
The filter gravityflowformconnector_update_entry_approval_status can be used for setting the approval status without having to use a field on the form to define the status.


Parameter Type Definition
$status string The status of the target step.
$target_entry_id Integer The ID of the target entry.
$target_form_id Integer The Id of the target form
$entry Entry Object The current entry
$form Form Object The current form.
$step Step Object The current workflow step.


Example 1 - Set the status of the Approval step to Approved?

Accepts the ID of an Approval step ''the_step_id' and sets it's Status to Approved

add_filter('gravityflowformconnector_update_entry_approval_status', 'gf_set_approval_status', 10, 6);
function gf_set_approval_status( $status, $target_entry_id, $target_form_id, $entry, $form, $step) {
    if ( in_array( $step->get_id(), array( 'the_step_id' ) ) ) {
        $status = 'approved';
    return $status;


This code should be placed in the functions.php file of your active theme or in a custom functions plugin.