
The gravityflow_field_value_entry_editor filter determines if the current field is an editable Nested Form field so the required functionality can be included.


Parameter Type Definition
$value mixed The current field value.
$field GF_Field The current field.
$form Array The parent form.
$entry Array The parent entry.
$step Gravity_Flow_Step The current step for the parent entry.


Example 1 - Force application of default value with the New Entry Workflow step

add_filter( 'gravityflow_field_value_entry_editor', function ( $value, $field, $form, $entry, $step ) {
    $is_current_step_submission = ! empty( $_POST ) && rgpost( 'gravityflow_submit' ) == $form['id'] && rgpost( 'step_id' ) == $step->get_id();
    if ( ! $is_current_step_submission ) {
        $value = $field->get_value_default_if_empty( $value );
    return $value;
}, 10, 5 );


This code should be placed in the functions.php file of your active theme or in a custom functions plugin.