Can Gravity Flow manage calendar dates?
Some customers use the Zapier workflow step to connect to Google Calendar. This allows calendars to be updated at any point in the workflow.
Can I allow the form submitter to select the step assignee?
Yes. Add a Workflow User, Workflow Role or Workflow Assignee field to the form and select it in the 'Assign to' setting.
Can we talk on the phone or chat?
All technical and pre-sales support is handled via email. We have a ticket system which helps to keep us organised so that we can answer all requests as quickly as possible and with the appropriate priority.
Do all the users need a WordPress account?
No, it's not necessary for users to have a WordPress account. Workflow steps (like approval or user input) can be assigned to email fields on the form.
Do you offer discounts for nonprofits/charities/schools?
Unfortunately, much as we'd like to, we can't give discounts to nonprofits, charities, or educational institutions. There are a few reasons for this:.
Does Gravity Flow integrate with Gravity Forms Save and Continue?
Gravity Flow will work alongside the Save and Continue feature of Gravity Forms. Gravity Flow requires the entry to be submitted go through the validation and submission process before the first workflow step can be triggered.
How do I delegate a task to a different assignee?
Sometimes it may be necessary for a different person to perform a task. For example, when an assignee goes on holiday. The best workflows have exceptions built into the design.
How do I send notifications to anonymous form submitters?
Create a Gravity Forms notification and select the workflow step from the event setting.
Is Gravity Flow available in my language?
Gravity Flow is translation-ready and is currently available in the following languages:
English (US & UK) Arabic.
Is Gravity Flow suitable for an intranet?
Yes. Gravity Flow was designed specifically for intranet and extranet scenarios where all the users have an account. So, by default, the inbox and status pages will not be accessible to users who have not logged in.