Is Gravity Flow suitable for public websites?
Yes. It's possible to open the inbox up to non-registered users either by assigning steps to an email field or by allowing anonymous access in the shortcode attributes.
What are the minimum requirements?
The minimum requirements to run Gravity Flow are the following:
The latest version of WordPress - check that your WordPress site allows you to upload and install plugins.
What happens to workflow when a step has no assignees?
Sometimes a workflow step may have defined an assignee by user that is no longer registered on the website or a role has been removed.
What is the Gravity Forms Starter License?
The Gravity Forms Starter License is an official license for Gravity Forms, especially for Gravity Flow customers. We are making Gravity Forms available to new customers at no additional charge for one year so that those who do not already have a Gravity Forms license can try it before purchasing a license directly from gravityforms.com.
What versions of PHP does Gravity Flow support?
Gravity Flow currently supports PHP from 5.6 up to version 7.4.
PHP 5.6 is the minimum version which WordPress supports since WordPress 5.2.
Where Do I Put This Code?
In this article, we will show you where you should typically place code that is within our documentation.
Where do I start?
First, draw your workflow. If you plan your workflow well, the rest will be straightforward. I can't stress this enough - if you don't plan, you'll very likely find the whole experience very frustrating. .