The gravityflow_approval_confirm_prompt_messages filter allows the user to modify the messages for approval/rejection confirmation.
Parameter | Type | Definition |
$messages | Array | The array containing approval/rejection messages. |
$form_id | Integer | The current form id. |
$entry | Array | The current entry array. |
$step | Gravity_Flow_Step | The current step. |
add_filter( 'gravityflow_approval_confirm_prompt_messages', 'sh_gravityflow_approval_confirm_prompt_messages', 10, 4 ); function sh_gravityflow_approval_confirm_prompt_messages( $messages, $form_id, $entry, $step) { //Customize the $messages parameter for approve/reject confirmation prompt messaging $messages['approveMessage'] = 'This is my custom approval message'; $messages['rejectMessage'] = 'This is my custom rejection message'; return $messages; }
This code should be placed in the functions.php file of your active theme or in a custom functions plugin.