Gravity Flow Actions and Filters
Understand what hooks Gravity Flow provides, which parameters are available to them and examples of how they can be used to customize the default plugin behaviour to suit your use case / needs.
Extension Actions and Filters
Understand what hooks each Gravity Flow extension provides, which parameters are available to them and how they can be used to customize the default behaviours to suit your use case / needs.
Data Objects
Added in version 1.4 The gravityflowfolders_folders filter allows customization of the list of folders can be added/removed from.
Added in version 1.4 The gravityflowfolders_folder_match_remove_step filter allows determination of whether entry should be removed from a folder to be customized.
Allows the entry link to be modified for each entry in the inbox table.
The gravityflowformconnector_[type] filters allows the entry to be modified before create, update, submission. The actual filter name to hook on depends on which token type you are wanting to filter.
The gravityflowincomingwebhook_response_post_process filter allows the WP_REST_Response object to be modified after processing.
The gravityflowvacation_balance filter allows the vacation balance to be modified by the user.
The gravityflow_bulk_action_status_table filter allows custom bulk actions to be processed on the Status table
The gravityflow_approval_note_label_workflow_detail filter can be used to modify the ‘Note’ label on the Approval step.
The gravityflow_approve_label_workflow_detail filter can be used to modify the ‘Approve’ label on the Approval step.
The gravityflow_entry_url_inbox_table filter allows customization of the URL to which entries in the Inbox are sent.