Gravity Flow Actions and Filters
Understand what hooks Gravity Flow provides, which parameters are available to them and examples of how they can be used to customize the default plugin behaviour to suit your use case / needs.
Extension Actions and Filters
Understand what hooks each Gravity Flow extension provides, which parameters are available to them and how they can be used to customize the default behaviours to suit your use case / needs.
Data Objects
The gravityflow_enqueue_admin_scripts action to allow additional scripts to be enqueued when the Gravity Flow shortcode or block is present on the page.
The gravityflow_columns_inbox_table filter allows the columns to be modified for the inbox page.
The gravityflow_entry_detail_content_after action allows custom code/content to be displayed after the primary form elements on the entry details page.
The action allows custom code/content to be displayed before the primary form elements on the entry details page.
Allow the entry to be modified during the response mapping of the webhook step.
Use this filter to limit the events that are to be displayed on the Activity page.
The gravityflow_field_value_entry_editor filter determines if the current field is an editable Nested Form field so the required functionality can be included.
The gravityflow_editable_fields filter allows the set of editable fields for a step to be customized in general or per step type within Gravity Flow.
The gravityflow_form_ids_status filter constrains which forms’ entries are displayed via the status shortcode and admin view.
Set the amount of discussion items to be shown in non-print inbox / status view when the discussion field toggle is active.