Gravity Flow Actions and Filters
Understand what hooks Gravity Flow provides, which parameters are available to them and examples of how they can be used to customize the default plugin behaviour to suit your use case / needs.
Extension Actions and Filters
Understand what hooks each Gravity Flow extension provides, which parameters are available to them and how they can be used to customize the default behaviours to suit your use case / needs.
Data Objects
Constrain which form fields are displayed in the drop-down list on the status table in shortcode or admin view.
The gravityflow_admin_actions_workflow_detail filter can be used to add or remove choices from the admin actions drop down on the workflow detail page.
The gravityflowpdf_content filter is used to modify the contents the PDF Generator add-on defines via the step settings template before generating the PDF.
The gravityflowwoocommerce_paid_payment_status filter allows you to customize what status is returned after capturing payment.
The gravityflowwoocommerce_valid_payment_statuses filter allows you to customize what statuses are valid for the capture payment step beyond the default of ‘on-hold’.
Use this filter to change the name of the PDF file generated via the PDF Generator Add-On.
Use this filter to change the name of the downloadable PDF file via the merge tag.
The gravityflowpdf_mpdf_config filter allows customization of the mPDF initialization properties to be overridden.
The gravityflowpdf_generated action allows customization to occur immediately after the successful generation of the PDF file on the server.
The gravityflow_site_cookie_path can be used to set the cookie path of the token.