Gravity Flow Actions and Filters
Understand what hooks Gravity Flow provides, which parameters are available to them and examples of how they can be used to customize the default plugin behaviour to suit your use case / needs.
Extension Actions and Filters
Understand what hooks each Gravity Flow extension provides, which parameters are available to them and how they can be used to customize the default behaviours to suit your use case / needs.
Data Objects
The gravityflow_assignee_email_reminder_repeat_days filter is used to customize how often the assignee email reminder is sent.
The gravityflow_step_due_date_timestamp filter allows the due_date timestamp to be overridden.
The filter allows the trigger of an action after the conclusion of any workflow step.
The gravityflow_reject_label_workflow_detail filter can be used to modify the ‘Reject’ label on the Approval step.
The Workflow Step Framework
The Gravity Flow Workflow Step Framework allows developers to add new step types quickly and with minimum effort. The Gravity_Flow_Step abstract class is used as the base class to create new step types.
The gravityflow_back_link_url_entry_detail is used to customize the URL of the back link from the entry detail page.
The Role Field, by default, will display all users. If you need to filter the items you can use the following filter.
The gravityflow_step_column_status_page filter allows the value of the step column to be modified on the status page.
Use this filter to add custom stylesheets to the print entry screen. Return an array of script handles.
Use the filter gravityflow_webhook_url_in_note to hide/unhide the URL appearing in notes when using the Outgoing Webhook step.