Gravity Flow Actions and Filters
Understand what hooks Gravity Flow provides, which parameters are available to them and examples of how they can be used to customize the default plugin behaviour to suit your use case / needs.
Extension Actions and Filters
Understand what hooks each Gravity Flow extension provides, which parameters are available to them and how they can be used to customize the default behaviours to suit your use case / needs.
Data Objects
The gravityflowformconnector_update_entry_id filter allows the target entry ID to be modified during the Form Connector Update an Entry step type.
The gravityflow_update_button_user_input filter allows the Update button to be modified on the User Input step when the Save Progress option is set to either hidden or to radio button setting.
Use this filter to change the text of the save progress button on the user input step.
Use this filter to change the text of the submit button on the user input step.
The gravityflow_step_is_condition_met filter allows customization of whether a step should be executed or not.
The gravityflow_step_start filter allows customization of the step on which an entry will start its workflow.
The gravityflow_status_args filter is a very flexible filter which allows a lot of control over the way the Status table is rendered.
The gravityflow_status_submitter_name filter can be used to override the value that appears in the Submitter column of the Workflow Status page.
The gravityflow_display_field_choices filter allows the Gravity Forms fields to be shown in the Display Fields settings
The User Field, by default, will display all users. If you need to filter the items you can use the following filter gravityflow_user_field.