Gravity Forms Add-Ons
Find out how any Gravity Forms add-ons can have their feeds or functionality triggered as steps in a workflow.
Certified Developer Plugins
Find out all the ways that you can easily integrate Gravity Flow with other Certified Developer add-ons of Gravity Forms.
Community Plugins
Find out what other Wordpress plugins Gravity Flow provides direct support for or which ones make Gravity Flow features available through their code base.
Sliced Invoices Add-On
Gravity Flow includes built-in support for Sliced Invoices. On a standard Gravity Forms installation the Sliced Invoices Gravity Forms Add-On will create the quotes/invoices during the form submission process.
GravityView – Overview
GravityView is an extremely powerful add-on for Gravity Forms which allows you to display and edit entries on the front-end of your site.
GravityView – Claim An Entry
This walkthrough demonstrates how to add a "Claim Entry" link to a view in GravityView which allows users to take ownership of entries after an approval process so they can edit their entries.
GravityView – Show completed entries for the logged in user
Problem: I have a workflow setup where logged-in users submit a form, choose an assignee, then the assignee fills in a couple of fields in the same form, and saves.
Partial Entries
Gravity Flow integrates with the Gravity Forms Partial Entries Add-On which optionally allows workflows to start when a partial entry is created.
ApproveMe WP E-Signature Integration
Gravity Flow includes built-in support for the WP E-Signature plugin by ApproveMe. Administrators can add workflow steps at any point in the process to collect legally binding document signatures using the WP E-Signature plugin by ApproveMe.
Sprout Invoices Integration
Gravity Flow includes built-in support for Sprout Invoices. On a standard Gravity Forms installation, the Sprout Invoices add-ons will create estimates/invoices during the form submission process.