

Sliced Invoices Add-On

Gravity Flow includes built-in support for Sliced Invoices. On a standard Gravity Forms installation the Sliced Invoices Gravity Forms Add-On will create the quotes/invoices during the form submission process.

GravityView – Overview

GravityView is an extremely powerful add-on for Gravity Forms which allows you to display and edit entries on the front-end of your site.

GravityView – Claim An Entry

This walkthrough demonstrates how to add a "Claim Entry" link to a view in GravityView which allows users to take ownership of entries after an approval process so they can edit their entries.

GravityView – Show completed entries for the logged in user

Problem: I have a workflow setup where logged-in users submit a form, choose an assignee, then the assignee fills in a couple of fields in the same form, and saves.

Partial Entries

Gravity Flow integrates with the Gravity Forms Partial Entries Add-On which optionally allows workflows to start when a partial entry is created.

ApproveMe WP E-Signature Integration

Gravity Flow includes built-in support for the  WP E-Signature plugin by ApproveMe. Administrators can add workflow steps at any point in the process to collect legally binding document signatures using the WP E-Signature plugin by ApproveMe.

Sprout Invoices Integration

Gravity Flow includes built-in support for Sprout Invoices. On a standard Gravity Forms installation, the Sprout Invoices add-ons will create estimates/invoices during the form submission process.