
The gravityflowincomingwebhook_response_pre_process filters the processing of the webhook to be able to override the response entirely. The filter can be very helpful if you are looking for a way to modify the $response and $request in the Incoming webhook.


Parameter Type Definition
$response null A WP_REST_Response object to override
$request WP_REST_Request The entire request object.

add_filter( 'gravityflowincomingwebhook_response_pre_process', 'sh_gravityflowincomingwebhook_response_pre_process', 10, 2 );
function sh_gravityflowincomingwebhook_response_pre_process( $response, $request ) {
	//Send a 'name' as response
	$response = $request['name'];
	return $response;


This code should be placed in the functions.php file of your active theme or in a custom functions plugin.