The gravityflowformconnector_[type] filters allows the entry to be modified before create, update, submission.
The actual filter name to hook on depends on which token type you are wanting to filter.
1 2 3 4 | add_filter( 'gravityflowformconnector_new_entry' , 'sh_gravityflowconnector_adjust_new_entry' , 10, 5); add_filter( 'gravityflowformconnector_update_entry' , 'sh_gravityflowformconnector_update_entry' , 10, 5); add_filter( 'gravityflowformconnector_form_submission' , 'sh_gravityflowformconnector_form_submission' , 10, 5); add_filter( 'gravityflowformconnector_update_field_values' , 'sh_gravityflowformconnector_update_field_values' , 10, 5); |
Parameter | Type | Details |
$new_entry | Entry | The new entry |
$entry | Entry | The current entry |
$form | Form | The current form |
$target_form | Form | The target form |
$step | Step | The current workflow step |
This filter provides a way to modify the new entry before it is created in separate form / site.
Include 10% into the cost of a numeric field
1 2 3 4 5 6 | add_filter( 'gravityflowformconnector_new_entry' , 'sh_gravityflowconnector_adjust_new_entry' , 10, 5); function sh_gravityflowconnector_adjust_new_entry( $new_entry , $entry , $form , $target_form , $step ) { //Adding 10% to the total cost $new_entry [ '3' ] = $new_entry [ '3' ] * 1.10; return $new_entry ; } |
Ensure a field with ‘No Duplicates’ specified in settings is respected when attempting to create a new entry.
The New Entry step relies on the Gravity Forms API for add_entry which docs state that, “The usual hooks that are triggered while saving entries are not fired here.” You would need to adjust the step ID and form/field IDs to match your scenario. The add_note will log a message into the timeline of the entry executing the FC New Entry to indicate the entry was not created as expected.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | add_filter( 'gravityflowformconnector_new_entry' , 'sh_gravityflowconnector_adjust_new_entry' , 10, 5 ); function sh_gravityflowconnector_adjust_new_entry( $new_entry , $entry , $form , $target_form , $step ) { //Change Step ID (121) to match your case and update the field_filters to match your target form field ID / entry field IDs if ( 121 == $step ->get_id() ) { $search_criteria = array ( 'status' => 'active' , 'field_filters' => array ( 'mode' => 'all' , array ( 'key' => '2' , 'value' => $entry [ '2' ], ), ), ); if ( GFAPI::count_entries( $target_form [ 'id' ], $search_criteria ) > 0 ) { //An existing entry exists in the target form so new entry should not be created. Pass a blank array back from filter $step ->add_note( "No entry created - duplicate value exists in Form " . $target_form [ 'id' ] . " Field 2." ); $new_entry = array (); } } return $new_entry ; } |
Use the Update Fields step type and copy only the last comment from a Discussion Field into the selected entry
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | add_filter( 'gravityflowformconnector_update_field_values' , 'sh_gravityflowconnector_copy_discussion' , 10, 5 ); function sh_gravityflowconnector_copy_discussion( $new_entry , $entry , $form , $target_form , $step ) { //Change Step ID (125) to match your workflow and update the field id (4) source / target field IDs if ( 125 == $step ->get_id() ) { $discussions = json_decode( $entry [ '4' ], ARRAY_A ); if ( is_array ( $discussions ) ) { //Select the specific discussion comment(s) you want and re-encode the array into JSON notation $last_comment = array ( end ( $discussions ) ); $new_entry [ '4' ] = json_encode( $last_comment ); } } return $new_entry ; } |
Use the Update an Entry step to switch a user field value in a workflow with a User Registration feed
This scenario would apply if your form has a User Registration feed setup to create a new user and you want to assign tasks after the registration step in the workflow to the “not yet created” user. In order to make use of it you would:
- Add a User field to the form with visibility set to Administrative.
- Add a Form Connector Update an Entry step in between the User Registration step and the step(s) which need the new assignee.
- Setup the field mappings to attempt to put the email field into the user field
- Select the User field as the assignee for the steps that require the ‘to be created’ user to action.
Then include this snippet to change the mapping to perform a lookup of the new user by the email field.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | add_filter( 'gravityflowformconnector_update_entry' , 'jo_gravityflowconnector_update_created_user' , 10, 5 ); function jo_gravityflowconnector_update_created_user( $update_entry , $entry , $form , $target_form , $step ) { // Change to match the Step ID you want the swap to occur on. if ( $step ->get_id() != '175' ) { return $update_entry ; } $potential_user = get_user_by( 'email' , $entry [ '2' ] ); if ( ! $potential_user ) { // Replace with user ID that should receive the task if the user registration were to fail for other reasons. $update_entry [ '3' ] = '' ; } else { $update_entry [ '3' ] = $potential_user ->ID; } return $update_entry ; } |
This code can be used in the functions.php file of the active theme, a custom functions plugin, a custom add-on, or with a code snippets plugin.
See also the PHP section in this article: Where Do I Put This Code?