By Step Type
Configuring Outgoing Webhook Steps with response mapping
Introduced in Gravity Flow v2.3, it is possible map the JSON values sent in the response to field values. This happens before the workflow moves on to the next step so you can define what happens next in the workflow depending on the response of an external API. For example, your webhook may request approval status from an external API, store the result in a field value and send a conditional notification based on the result.
Configuring an Approval process
An Approval workflow step can be used to Approve/Reject/Revert and entry. First, create a form that should be used for the approval process.
Configuring a User Input Step
The User Input step allows for capturing inputs from a user after the form has been submitted. First, create a form to use for this Workflow.
Configuring User Registration steps to change the ‘created by’ field
Update: this snippet is no longer necessary as it's now built into Gravity Flow. When the Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On creates a new user account the entry's 'created by' field is left as the anonymous IP address.