2Checkout Add-on

What is 2Checkout?

2Checkout allows you to receive payments worldwide from over 200 countries. If you’re selling products or services to a wide variety of customers around the globe, or need to focus on a specific country that isn’t supported by other payment gateways, 2Checkout has you covered!

How does Gravity Forms integrate with 2Checkout?

The Gravity Forms 2Checkout Add-On enables creating a feed to ADDON that can be triggered immediately after form submission. Refer to the 2Checkout Add-On Documentation Pages for more details on setup.

How to trigger a 2Checkout feed in a Gravity Flow step?

Currently, the 2Checkout feed can only be triggered during form submission. If you need to trigger it as a step, you would need to use the Form Connector extension‘s Form Submission step. Refer to our guide for configuring the Form Submission step.