

Incoming Webhook – Introduction

The Incoming Webhook Extension can be used in two ways:
After form submission at any point in the workflow, to hold entries on a step until a trigger is received from an external system.

Form Connector – Update An Entry

The "Update an Entry" step is a feature of the Form Connector extension which provides way to update entries in other forms and complete Approval or User input steps.

Form Connector – Create An Entry

The New Entry step is a feature of the Form Connector extension which provides a way to create new entries in different forms.

Stripe Extension – Cancel Payment Step

The Cancel Payment step will cancel/void a payment that was authorized during the form submission. Remember that stripe automatically cancels (expires) payments after 7 days if the payment is not captured so your workflow must ensure that that the Cancel Payment step runs within a week of the initial form submission.

WooCommerce Extension – Refund Order Step

The Refund Order step will refund an order made either at the checkout or at a Payment or Capture Payment step in the workflow.

Form Connector – Update Fields

The "Update Fields" step, included in the Form Connector Extension, will update field values of the current entry with values from another entry or with custom values. .

License Key Constants

The constant for main Gravity Flow plugin is GRAVITY_FLOW_LICENSE_KEY Each extension has a license key constant that allows the license to be set via code instead of the database:.

Stripe Extension – Capture Payment Step

The Capture Payment step will collect a payment that was authorized during the form submission. If there is a Capture Payment step in the workflow then the payment will automatically be set to authorized and will not be collected until the Capture Payment step runs.

Incoming WebHook – Field Mapping

The Incoming Webhook step supports mapping of incoming data into form fields. The system which is sending data to the incoming webhook in one of 3 formats:     - POST with form-data in the body of the request     - POST with form-data in the body of the request with a Content-Type header = application/json     - POST with raw JSON in the body of the request with a Content-Type header = application/json.


The Flowchart Extension enables Gravity Flow administrators to switch between the standard step list view and a Flowchart view of the steps.