
The Assignee Field

The Assignee Field is an advanced workflow field that can be added to a Gravity Form and can be used to allow users to choose between Users, Roles and other Assignee fields.

The Multi-User Field

The Multi-User field works like the standard Multi-Select field and shares the same options as the single User field.

The Role Field

The Role Field is a Drop Down field that displays a list of all the WordPress Roles on your site.

The User Field

The User Field is a Drop Down field that displays a list of all the WordPress User accounts on your site.

Where Do I Put This Code?

In this article, we will show you where you should typically place code that is within our documentation.


The gravityflow_status_args filter is a very flexible filter which allows a lot of control over the way the Status table is rendered.


The gravityflow_status_submitter_name filter can be used to override the value that appears in the Submitter column of the Workflow Status page.


The User Field, by default, will display all users. If you need to filter the items you can use the following filter gravityflow_user_field.


This filter is used to customize the field columns displayed in the status page in the admin UI when a form is selected.


The gravityflow_permission_granted_entry_detail filter allows the permission check to be overridden for the workflow entry detail page.