Flow Fundamentals

We hope that very soon you will find Gravity Flow to be an invaluable tool that helps you automate your business processes in ways that save yourself, your customers and/or your employees time and thereby money. We understand that any time you add a new piece of technology to your website or business it can be a challenge to know exactly where to get started or how to best make use of the product to achieve your goals.

This Flow Fundamentals section has been put together to help you ramp up the learning curve quickly if you are already familiar with building/using Gravity Forms. If you want to follow a user guide that covers everything from square one, check out the Getting Started - Logo Design series.

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Approval Step Type

The Approval step is all about asking your potential assignees a yes/no question in relation to data that has been provided in the entry.

User Input Step Type

From a website users’ perspective the User Input step type is the closest equivalent to a standard form submission. That doesn’t mean that it is just about replicating the submission experience as the combination of assignees, display field and editable field settings can allow you to configure user input steps that serve a wide variety of use cases.

Outgoing Webhook Step Type

The Outgoing Webhook step is all sending a request to another system, possibly providing entry data to that system or receiving data to map back into the entry.

Notification Step Type

The notification step allows you to send notifications that were created in the Gravity Forms Notifications tab or define specific notifications in its' step settings.

Update User Step

The Update User Step provides a way to update the profile of any user on your WordPress site including any meta fields defined on it.

The Workflow Step Framework

The Gravity Flow Workflow Step Framework allows developers to add new step types quickly and with minimum effort. The Gravity_Flow_Step abstract class is used as the base class to create new step types.

Gravity Form Add-On Step Types

Many of the add-ons which Gravity Forms provides are based on feeds. With Gravity Flow active on your website, in addition to feeds being able to process a feed at the time of form submission, they can also be triggered as a step at any point in your workflow.

Gravity Flow Settings

Can be accessed from the WordPress dashboard Workflow -> Settings -> General Will appear in the left sidebar from the WordPress dashboard Workflow -> Settings page as they are enabled.


As of Gravity Flow 2.8, the Gravity Flow Blocks are available within the plugin directly.  See Gravity Flow 2.8 Beta release notes for more details.


When you export a form using the Gravity Forms export tool, all the steps will be exported with the form. Importing works the same way, but you may need to revise the assignee settings if the form was exported from a different server.