Flow Fundamentals
Try Gravity Flow and any of its extensions or step types they all provide in a risk-free demo environment at gravityflow.io/demo/
We hope that very soon you will find Gravity Flow to be an invaluable tool that helps you automate your business processes in ways that save yourself, your customers and/or your employees time and thereby money. We understand that any time you add a new piece of technology to your website or business it can be a challenge to know exactly where to get started or how to best make use of the product to achieve your goals.
This Flow Fundamentals section has been put together to help you ramp up the learning curve quickly if you are already familiar with building/using Gravity Forms. If you want to follow a user guide that covers everything from square one, check out the Getting Started - Logo Design series.
All Categories
Step Types
Steps are the discrete tasks that your entry will perform as it proceeds through the workflow. Learn about how you can configure both user interactive and automated ones to build bespoke business processes using standard step types that come with Gravity Flow, its' extensions or available from other Gravity Forms plugins.
Common Step Settings
Learn about the settings which all step types in Gravity Flow have available to configure.
Accessing Entries/Workflows
Learn how you can use Gravity Flow blocks, or its' shortcode, to enable form submitters, step assignees and others to see and work with entries via the Inbox Page, Status Page and more.
Workflow Fields
Gravity Flow provides several field types, available in the Workflow Fields section of the Gravity Forms Form Editor, to make capturing data or assigning steps to the right resource simple.
Merge Tags
Learn how you can link to Inboxes, Entry Details pages and other parts of the Workflow through Gravity Forms merge tags.
Gravity Flow uses the WordPress system of Roles and Capabilities. Use the members plugin to edit the capabilities for each role.
Workflows detail pages have a print button with the option to include the timeline. The printed entry will look something like this:.
The Inbox Page
The Inbox page is the place for assignees to see all entries that currently have workflow steps assigned to them. The following screenshot show the Inbox page in the WordPress admin UI.
The Status Page
The Status page is the place to find all your submitted Workflows. By default users will only see their own forms. Administrators will see all forms.
Linking to the workflow entry
You can include links to the workflow entry in assignee and approval notifications by adding the {workflow_entry_link} or {workflow_entry_url} merge tag.
The Entry Details Page
The Workflow Entry Details page is where assignees will go to complete any interactive step (Approval, User Input, etc.) or you review the current status of a given entry.
The Submit Page
The Submit page displays a convenient list of all the available workflow forms to logged in users. Users can initiate workflows by submitting forms from this page just as they can from any page on the site.
Activity Log
The Activity Log displays the latest workflow activity for all forms in real time, and is intended to be used to keep a bird's eye view on all the processes.
The reports page displays a variety of charts for completed workflows and average duration by month, step, and assignee to help you identify potential bottle-necks in your processes - in real time.
As of Gravity Flow 2.8, Blocks are available for each of the page type shown below as a part of the core plugin. Learn more about the Gravity Flow Blocks.