Update User Step

The Update User Step is a very powerful step which can update the profile of any user. 

Care must be taken to design workflows that ensure that only authorised users perform updates to user profiles. For example, add an approval step before the Update User step.

IMPORTANT: Adding or updating a User Update step requires the edit_users WordPress capability. In multisite installations, the user will only be updated if it belongs to the current site.Update User Workflow step

The Update User step can update the user account of the form submitter (the created_by field), the current user (e.g. of a User Input step), the selected user in a User field, or the account looked up using the value of an email field.

The following profile properties can be updated: First Name, Last Name, Nickname, Display Name, Email Address, Roles, and Custom User meta. 

The Roles setting allows the roles to be replaced completely by a new set of roles or additional roles can be added to the user's existing roles. Update User Step Settings